All equal, all differents! – Non-discrimination education project

In a primary school “Giovanni XXIII Didactic Circle” recognized by UNICEF as “Child friendly school” a project of gender equality education was made to whom joined 2 class with a total of 50 children of 6-7 years old.

“Child friendly school” Program aims to promote knowledge and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The objectives of the project was to promote equal opportunities inside the class group and the overcoming of gender stereotypes through paths aimed at giving value to differences, to integration and to dialogue that had like common point the personal story of boys and girls.
Starting from perceptions that children have about social relations e gender inequality, a path to overcome stereotypes through a reflection on the right of self-expression was made (as stated in the art. 2 of CRC).

Boys and girls, through the reading of the book “Cosa faremo da grandi” (What we will do when we grow up) by Irene Biemmi and Lorenzo Terranera (picture book about jobs with specific references to non-discrimination of gender) expressed their wishes about their future jobs creating a chart that illustrate the results gained by their ideas.
Parents shared this deepening path reflecting about individual dreams expressed by children during an open day, when the process was showed through an exhibition of the works.
One year later an important verification activity was made; teachers have investigated whether children remember what they did about the issue and if some of their dreams and wished jobs changed at the end of the path.

The work in class was developed in a shared-learning oriented setting; circle time, problem solving, peer education, cooperative learning. Every student was asked to create a Bulletin Board memories on which to bring back experiences, feelings and personal reflections.

Period of construction: September – June 2015/16


Kit Didattico “L’Albero dei diritti”;
Irene Biemmi – Lorenzo Terranera, “Cosa faremo da grandi? Prontuario dei mestieri dei bambini e delle bambine”, edizioni Settenove, Cagli (Pesaro e Urbino), 2015


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